Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog post #6

1. What was your favorite Geology topic this year? Why?

My favorite thing about that section is the vocanoes. The reason being is that the way they work and how the lava flows it looks like you can touch it and it would feel like gooey slim. Or at least i wish i could.

2. What was your favorite Meteorology topic this year? Why?
My favorite part was the hurricanes, tormadoes and thunderstorms. i like these because i love the rain and hurricanes and tornadoes just fasinate me with their destructive power.

3. What was your favorite Astronomy topic this year? Why? (Include a picture for #1, #2, OR #3)
My favorite topic was black holes. Its amazing how we can observe them but we cant get very close to observe them.
4. What grade do you think you earned on the Final Exam? What did you do to prepare? Is there anything that you wish you had done differently?
What ever grade i made is what i deseve. I study hard and every night. I do wish i looked over the practice exam more.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blog Post #5

Wordle: Units one and two

Blogpost #4

1. What made the Big Bang "bang?" In other words, why didn't the universe just stay in a tiny little sphere the size of a golfball? More details = more points.

Maybe when the planets and stars started to grow and as some died and expelled gas and dust the little "ball" got "full" and caused a big bang.

2. What do you think would happen if you went into a black hole? Scientists only know what happens until you get to the event horizon. Anything beyond that is really just an educated guess. More details = more points.
I think that we wouldnt die. we would be circleing around the event horizion and enter the p.o.s .  Then we would shrink and eventually wind up some where else. Perhaps we may end up in another universe i don't really know.

  3. Tell me what you think about worm holes? When you pass through one, where do you go? WHEN do you go? More details = more points.
I think wormholes are.....really cool. Considering it takes a black hole and what is called a white hole to form one. I hope that if i go through one i will enter a opposite unverse from ours.


Planet Quest (when you get to this site, click on "4 ways to find a planet" on the right side)

1. What are the four ways scientists can detect planets?
Radial Velocity, astrometry, transit method, and optical detection.

2. Which way makes the most sense to you? Explain it.
Radial velocity makes more sense to me. Measures slight changes in the position star that happens as it is tugged to and fro by a planets gravitational pull. The changes in direction can be detected by measuring the Doppler effect, the change in frequency of light waves caused by a stars motion away from or torward an observer.

The Goldilocks Zone
3. Explain the concept of the "Goldilocks Zone."
The Goldilocks Zone is an area of space where a planet is just the right distance from its home star, or sun, so that the surface is neither too hot nor too cold. This means that the planet could possibly have liquid water.

4. If Gilese 581c does have life, what do you think it would look like? How would it act? Would it be intelligent?
It might look like us or like weird creatures. I hope they would act nice towards us and we could get alond with each other. I think it would be intelligent. I hope they are talking craetures.

5. Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not? Give me a solid paragraph.
I do believe in aliens. There has to be another race out in our big universe. I highly doubt we are the only ones alive.

Blogpost #2

1. What is the primary gas in the Jovian atmospheres?

Hydrogen and helium.

2. What is the primary gas in Mars and Venus?
It is Carbon Dioxide.
3. If you had to visit one planet, which would it be? Why? Give me a solid paragraph. (consider many factors such as location, temperature, atmosphere composition, and anything else you you feel is important)
I would want to live on Mars because its similar to earth and seems to be more quiet than compared to here.

blogpost #1

Dark matter
Dark matter is the form of matter of unknown composition that does not emit or reflect enough electromagnetic radiation to be observed directly, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter. An example be holding to of the same magnets(Positive and a positive) and watching them unable to connect with each. This is not black matter but it is a simple explanation for it.

Dark energy
Dark energy is the theory to explain the apparent rapid expansion of the universe. There is much evidence for the presence of dark energy but little is known of its nature.

Andromeda Galaxy
This is our spiral neighor galaxy. It is bigger than ours and some of its stars can be seen in the andromeda constallation.

Planet Xena is an orb circling the sun that was first discovered in 2003. Its official name at this point is UB313.

Its a cloud of gases and/or dust resulting from a star explosion.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blogpost #6

1. Which blog was your best this quarter? Why?
I think my best is blog post #5 because it is really fun to do wordles and mine is really cool looking.

2. What topic did you enjoy learning about the most (from chapter 17-20)? Why? Include a picture.
My favorite chapter is 20 because that is where they talk about thunder storms and i love it when it rains and thunders cause i get to listen to it.

3. What grade do you deserve for your 3rd Quarter Blogs?
I think i deserve more than a 90 because i have completed them on time and they are well informed. There might be spelling mistakes but that is all i hope.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blogpost #4

1. Check out Fayetteville's pollen forecast. Which is affecting us the most right now: tree, grass, or weed pollen? Specifically, which trees, grasses, or weeds?

The oak trees are affecting us the most for pollen.

2. "You're Surrounded by Pollen," so read this article. What is needed for a "perfect storm" of pollen?
the long winter pushed back growing seasons for some plants and trees, causing them to bloom at the same time instead of at blooming at different times.The flowering season is kind of together this year. Combined that with dry, windy weather, and you have a perfect pollen storm.

3. Choose a microscopic image of pollen. Which one looks the best to you? Why? Where is this pollen commonly found? Write a paragraph in your own words explaining this specific type of pollen. Include a cool-looking picture. You may need to use other websites to help you.
The Penta Anther2 looks awesome to me because it looks like a soccer ball. Its commonly found around flowers. It has pores that collects other particles of pollen and lets them out over time.

Blog post #3

1. What are the five states of matter?

Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates are all different states of matter.

2. What is needed to change a gas into a plasma?
Energy is needed to change a gas into a plasma.

3. What is the temperature at "absolute zero?" (in Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin)
 0 in Kelvin. -273.15 in celsisus, and -459.67 in Farenheit.

4. What is the temperature in space? (in Kelvin)
It is three Kelvins.
5. What do you think plasma would like look/smell/feel/taste? How about Bose-Einstein Condensates?
I think plasma looks like a neon light. It would probably smell like a light bulb. it would probably feel squishy. It would probably taste reall y hot.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog post #2

New Century International Elementary School

1. List three technologies that the school plans to utilize.
Rainwater collections, geothermal A/C and solar photovoltaic power systems.

2. Explain each one. (you may need to check out other websites for research)
Rain water collections recycle rain water to water plants etc.
Geothermal A/C is when pipes are underground that stay in the 60s year round so it either heats or cools your house.
photovoltaic power systems are solar panels that collect the heat from the sun to use.

Earth Day Core Issues
3. Earth Day is coming up. Click on one of the Core Issues. Which one did you choose?
I chose conservation and biodiversity.
4. What is the big problem associated with this issue?
It threatend by human expansion and activites.
5. What can you do to fix this problem? Give me a solid paragraph.
Stop the expansion of humans and keep it to a minmum. We need to be more ecofriendly. We need to change our energy sources to solar panels and things like that. We don't need massive building being built were thy have torn down woods. What we are doing is unecciary.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog Post #1

Choose a major hurricane and answer the following questions in your blog.

1. Which hurricane did you choose?

The Great Galveston Hurricane
2. What category was it on the Saffir-Simpson scale?

It was a category 4
3. Tell its story.

It is an unnamed hurricane. It caused the greatest loss of life of any Hurricane in recorded US history. First tracked in Cuba as a tropical storm on Sept. 3, it hit Galveston as a Category 4 Hurricane. 

4. How many lives were lost? How much damage did it cause ($)?

An estimated 6,000-12,000 as storm tides of 8 to 15 feet washed over the Barrier Island. Around 43.670 billion dollars

 5. Include at least one picture.

Friday, March 19, 2010

blog post #7

1. What was your best blog this quarter? What made it so good?
I think my best blog this quater on the wordle. I had fun doing it. Its pretty and it contains alot of the main vocabulary.

2. What grade do you deserve for your blogs this quarter? Why? (Remember to do some basic math here. If you have only attempted 5 out of 7 blogs, the absolute highest grade you could earn is 71%)
I deserve a 100 because i did all of my blogs. They are informative and most of the spelling is right. (i hope)

3. What was your favorite topic in 2nd Quarter? Why? (Ch. 8,9,10,12,14, 16) Give me a solid paragraph explaining your answer. Include a picture.
My favorite chapter is chapter 10- volcanos and other igneous activity. I like this chapter because volcanos are awesome and are very destructive.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blog Post #5

1. Pick one of the articles you read. List the Name of the article and publisher.

It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs published by yahoo news

2. What was the author's thesis? (insert the quote)

found that a 15-kilometre (9 miles) wide asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in what is now Mexico was the culprit."We now have great confidence that an asteroid was the cause of the KT extinction. This triggered large-scale fires, earthquakes measuring more than 10 on the Richter scale, and continental landslides, which created tsunamis," said Joanna Morgan of Imperial College London, a co-author of the review.

3. Do you agree with their thesis? Why or why not?
Ido believe this thesis because it is more probable for it to have happened then for a volcano to explode. I am happy at the fact that the scientists have finally said that the KT extintion was do to a asteroid.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oceanogrphy webquest.

 go to answer the questions completely. good luck!!
[: P

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blog psot #4: Black history and science

1. I chose Biochemistry and my scientist is Dorothy McClendon. She is developing a fungicide, a chemical which will protect storage materials and not harm the people who use them.

2.  The Hydraulic Shock Absorber  invented by Ralph Sanderson, the Stairclimbing Wheelchair invented by Rufus J. Weaver, and the Helicopter invented by Paul E. Williams.

3. Otis Boykin (1920 -1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the control unit for a pacemaker. i believe this is important because this invention is used in peacemakers which helps peoples hearts and lungs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog Post #3

1.They are both supercontienants but Rhodinia had smaller plates than Pangaea.
2. Betweem 150-080

3. There wouldnt be different governments. There would be one big one with smaller ones and there wouldnt be wars between countries.
4. I would choose Japan. Because it is a beautiful calm island that wouldnt have wars as big as the one in Afganastan. There would be pleanty of fish and sushi to eat!!!!!!! (mmmmmm sushi)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blog post #2

1. List all of the geologic periods in order from oldest to present (Cambrian to Quaternary).

Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary.
2. Come up with a mneumonic to help you remember the order. (example: My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas)
Cat Ordered Six Delicious Chiken Parmasan To Jest Chris Toneo

3. First watch this animation. Then put the rock layers in order from the image on the right.
d, a, e, b, c

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog Post #1

1. The deepest mine in the world is TauTona gold mine in South Africa, which is a mere 3.6 kilometers deep.
2. 35 km
3. If i was to dig down to China the mantle would be dark. As so as we reached the outer core, we would swim in it. It would be bright and very beautiful colors. we would dig deeper to the inner core which would be hard. I would take a sample of for later study back on earths surface. As we leave the inner core and continue to China we would contiue to take samples and study our inner earth. by the time we reache the surface our samples were either to hot or disappeared on our journey back to Earths surface. :( Ahh well, guess there will always be a next time.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blog post #6

1. The grade i believe i deserve at least is a 90%.
2. The reason i believe i deserve this grade is because i did work hard on my blogposts. Although the might not be as flashy as others, the still provide good inormation.
3. I believe my best blog post is the very first one we did. I fun doing it and explaining why i loved Astronomy.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blog post #5: Rocks Rock

1. List one sedimentary rock, and explain how you use it everyday.

2. List one igneous rock, and explain how you use it everyday.

3. List one metamorphic rock, and explain how you use it everyday.

4. Find a picture of the coolest looking rock that you can find. What is its name? Include a picture.

1. Coal is a sedimentary that we use every dasy by burning it for different things.
2. Granitic is aan igneous rock that we use to build long lasting monuments or to decorate the inside of our homes.
3. Graphite is a metamorphic rock that is in pencils. Students use pencils at sckool everyday.
4. Igneous Rocks rock

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog #4 Gas mileage

"If your parents had to buy a new 2009 or 2010 model car, and they wanted your advice, which car would you recommend? What criteria would you use? Please be realistic and consider whichever factors you feel are important."

           I would recommend the scion xB. The criteria i would use would be the gas mileage it gets, the right price, and what it looks like.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blog Post #3

List 5 minerals that you have used before. Also post a picture of one. For example, you could list gold if you wear any gold jewelry.

         I have used Halite which is in salt. I have used Quartz and this mineral is used in electronics. Bauxite is in aluminum and iuse it to make some foods. Calcite is in toothpaste and i brush my teeth every day. Also i have a Gold necklace that i wear on special occassions.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

blog post #2

Which map projection is your favorite? Why? Include a picture.

             My favorite map projection is the mercator map. Its easier for me to read this map than the other three maps(The Robinson, Conic, and the Gnomonic maps.) I use the Mercator Map alot when my family and i go traveling. I can also understand this map better than the others.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blog Post #1

"Which of the four sciences in Earth Science seems the most interesting to you? Why? Include at least one picture."

       Astronomy is the most interesting to me of the four sciences. I have always been facinated with the stars and planets. I have always wondered how exactly black holes work. i keep thinking about what would happen if i got close to it? Is there anything on the other side? i am not only interested in black holes but also are galaxy. Would our galaxy and our neighboring galaxy collide? There are so many unanswered questions about our outerspace that keeps me interested as well as all of the weird things out there. I crave to know alot about the space and yet i know so little about it.